This article will guide you through options available if wanting to use QR Codes with ClubReady links such as sales packages or online scheduling.
1. Creating Links
a. Sales Packages
Create an URL that will allow for a user to sign up for a package.
Navigate to Setup > Sales > Sales Packages > find the sales package > click on its name > click on the Installments tab.
At the bottom of the installment, you will see Online Signup Enabled. Click the edit pencil to proceed and enable this option.
How To Enable a Sales Package for Online Sales
b. Scheduling
Create an URL if interested in having a user look at your class schedule.
Navigate to Setup > Scheduling > Class Schedule Widget.
Select the HTML Code link. While here, you can review your class schedule settings.
2. Using URL for QR Code
Now that you have your URL, you can paste it on a QR Code Generator. (These are available by doing a Google Search).
Once the site has your QR Code ready, you can proceed to sharing the image to your users via email, flyer or social media for them to scan and direct them to your sales package or class schedule.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Club Setup: Can access setup
- Club Setup - Can access sales package setup
- Club Setup: Can access class schedule widget setup