This article will guide you through understanding email tags for custom email templates and recommended tags.
What are email tags?
ClubReady has available email tags for different kinds of communications such as booking related, agreement related, payments, club information and more. Tags are added in the email template to allow the system to automatically "fill in" the information. This also adds personalization to your content!
Available Tags
Refer to the attached document at the bottom of the page to export our full list.
Best Practices
1. Avoid using "too many" tags.
This can cause for email blasts to be delayed or be sent slowly. Below is a list of suggested tags to keep your email blasts going to your customers in a timely manner.
- header
- defaultsignature
- viewinbrowser
- unsubscribe
- currentyear
- content
- locationname
- locationaddress
- locationphonenumber
- locationemail
- locationcity
- locationstate
- locationgeneralmanager
- locationwebsite
- facebookrawurl
- locationwebsiterawurl
- transferredfromlocationname
- transferredfromlocationname
- bookingdetailendtime
- AssignedStaffType
- useremail
- userid
- username
- firstname
- lastname
NOTE: Using tags other than the ones listed above will slow blast delivery.
2. Use "unsubscribe" tag
The email template must contain the [unsubscribe] tag in order to select it as an option for email blast.
3. Using "Content" Tag
The email template must contain the [content] tag in order to select it as an option for email through the Work It.