This article will assist you in inserting a hyperlink into an email template or email blast page.
1. Insert Link In Email Template
Navigate to Setup > Communication > Email Templates.
Click the edit pencil to open the template.
Click on the Editor tab and click to place the cursor where you want to insert your hyperlink. Click on the 'Link' icon in your tool bar at the top of the template. Click on Insert Link.
Enter the URL to which you wish to create a link. Then enter the plain text that readers will click on to be routed to that address. Click Insert.
Once the hyperlink has been created it will be blue with an underline to indicate that it is a hyperlink. Click Save to save all changes.
2. Insert Hyperlink To An Email Blast
Select where you wish to insert your hyperlink and place the cursor in the content box of your email blast. Click the 'Link' icon in your tool bar. Enter the URL to which you wish to create a link. Click OK.
Hyperlink has been created. Complete your email blast.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What happens if I don't add the [content] tag?
- You will not be able to find the template for your blast if the [content] tag is not there.
2. Can I add more than one hyperlink?
- Yes, you will just click the "links" icon for any word you would like to hyperlink
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Club Setup: Can access setup
- Club Setup: Can access email templates setup