This article will provide you with some helpful tips when creating email templates.
Be Specific. Draw the attention of the recipient by using a specific subject line. They will most likely receive hundreds of Black Friday emails; how can you make yours stand out?!
Engage Personally. Greet your client in a way that makes them feel that the email is uniquely for them. One great way to do this is to use their first name with the tag [firstname].
Concentrate key info. within the top two/thirds of your email template. Believe it or not, your email recipient may not read through the entire email!
Get to the point quickly. Most recipients will scan through this email on their phone. Be very direct and simplified with your material.
Limit the number of links within your email. Emails with several links are sometimes sent to spam by email providers.
Bigger is not always better. One giant image in an email may also result in your email being sent to spam by the recipient's email provider.
Is there an image size limit? The only size limit for an image within an email is that it must be 600px in width or smaller.