This article will assist you with selecting between the different Signature Capture Methods available.
Navigate to Setup > Sales > Sales Settings > New Agreements > Agreement Electronic Signature Settings.
Here you will see a drop down menu for you to choose your preferred signature option for your location.
The options for Electronic Signature Methods:
Topaz Signature Pad 1x5 - Select this option if you have installed the driver and configured for Google Chrome.
Topaz Signature Pad 4x5 - Select this option if you have installed the driver and configured for Google Chrome.
SMS Authentication + Type Signature - Select this option if you would like a client to be sent a pin code to their mobile phone which becomes their unique identifier. They will also type in their name on the signature line to finalize the contract.
SMS Authentication + On-screen Signature - Select this option if you would like a client to be sent a pin code to their mobile phone which becomes their unique identifier. They will also sign their name with a mouse to finalize the contract
On-Screen Signature - Select this option if you would like the client to sign their signatures using the mouse.
NOTE: With the SMS options the cell phone will need to be unique to that client. No other user may have the same phone number.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Club Setup: Can access setup
- Club Setup: Can access sales general settings