- How-to: Setup or Edit Late Pay Settings
- How-to: Setup Promo Codes for Classes
- Troubleshooting: Sales Tax Discrepancies
- New Deal Icon
- Setting Up DPR Targets And Metrics
- How-to: Select Sales Contract for Online Sign Up URL
- Display or Remove "Total Saved" Field On Printed Receipts
- Import Returns Page
- How-to: Add A Product Folder To A Quickpad
- Create A Sales Tax Schedule
- Enable The POS To Pull Client Invoices Automatically
- Sales: General Settings
- Create Discount Schemes
- Signature Capture Methods Available
- Create A Discount Note
- How-to: Add Sales Packages and Products to the POS Shortcuts Pad
- Adding Your Logo To POS Receipt
- Setup And Using External Payments In ClubReady
- How-to: Add a Prospect Through the POS
- Add A Prospect Through The POS
- How-to: Setup Online Cancellation for Customers
- Setup: Cancel And Freeze Settings
- Creating A Cancel Or Freeze Form
- Late Pays Tab
- How-to: Create a Setup Fee
- Add A Price To An Amenity
- Session Credit Expiration Setting In Sales Packages
- How-to: Create a Contract Template
- How-to: Create Sales Package Discounts
- How-to: Setup a Club Enhancement Fee