This article will guide you on how to manage your Custom Paid In Full Session Credit Agreement settings.
1. Access Custom PIF Setup
Navigate to Setup > Sales > General Settings > New Agreements.
Enabled As An Agreement Option - This toggle will allow you to have Custom PIF agreements as an option when writing a new agreement.
Custom Paid In Full Setup Fee - You can define here exactly what the setup fee amount is and if it can be edited by the sales person. You can add sales tax to the setup fee by selecting Yes for Apply any sales taxes to setup fee.
Contract Template For Custom PIF Agreements - This is the default contract template to use for Custom PIF services agreements. This drop-down lets you choose what sales contract template is used or you can choose for it to be selected at the time of sale (this is not advised because the sales person may not choose the correct template).
Maximum Amount Of Free Sessions Allowed - This drop-down allows you to select how many free session credits will be given to the customer at the moment of the agreement write up. You may select None - Do not allow or a specific amount (1 free, 2 free...).
Session Expiration - This drop-down allows you to select when the session credits will expire. You may select to Choose During Write-Up or a specific time frame (1 month, 2 month...).
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Club Setup: Can access setup
- Club Setup: Can access sales general settings