This article will guide you through generating and understanding the Past Dues Report.
Please Note:
- The retrieval of reports is limited to a 10-year timeframe from the current date, and the download process may vary in duration depending on the selected time frame.
- Reports are not customizable.
- This report reflects outcomes in real-time.
1. Accessing Your Report
Navigate to Reports > Sales > Past Dues.
2. Understanding Your Report
Selecting Load Charts will display the following graphs:
Past Dues + Delinquent Customer Count Past 90 Days
By Age (excl. Late Fees) - This graph will display by customer age, how much is being owed and how many days past dues. This takes into consideration all invoices with the exception of Late Fees.
By Age - Late Fees - This graph will display by customer age, how much is being owed and how many days past dues. This takes into consideration only Late Fees.
Detailed Option
Following filters are available:
only show past dues not yet in collections status - Select if you only want to see those customers who are not yet in Collections Status. This is based on your Late Pays Settings.
Only show if never declined (no attempts) - Select to view a list of customers whose credit card has not declined.
Include any unpaid late fees - Choose to view if you want to include unpaid late fees.
Select to view the list of customers by Order By Due Date or Order By Customer.
You can choose to search by typing a specific User ID or Invoice ID. You can also click Excel Export to view the list on an excel file.
Click Search to view the following information:
Amount - Dollar amount of the Past Due invoice.
Invoice Due Date - Date the invoice was due.
Customer's Name - Client's first and last name.
Invoice ID - Click on this number to view Invoice Details such as Amount, Due Date, Invoice Added Date, Invoice Added By, Payment Status and Failed Prior To Payment?
Add A Note - Choose if you want to add an internal note. This will save on the customer's profile.
Take Payment - This will automatically take you to the Point of Sale to complete a transaction.
view decline log - This will open a pop-up window to view Date, Ran By and Decline Details.
- The list is sorted by oldest past due to newest.
- Customers showing IN COLLECTIONS means period where ClubReady automatically attempts to resolve past due has ended.
Report Export
The report is sorted by oldest past due invoice to newest.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Reporting - Can access reports (must be enabled to see any reports)
- Reporting - Can access sales: past dues