This article is an overview of the Agreements Log report and its various tab options.
Please Note:
- The retrieval of reports is limited to a 10-year timeframe from the current date, and the download process may vary in duration depending on the selected time frame.
- Reports are not customizable.
- This report reflects outcomes in real-time.
- The Agreements Log report can be located under the Sales section of your Reports page.
- To export the data, select the floppy disk and choose your method of export: CSV(comma delimited), PDF, or Excel. To page through to the next section, select the right arrow.
New Agreements Tab
Cancels Tab
Expiring Tab
New Agreements
Report Definitions
Date: The date the agreement listed was written.
Customer: Who purchased the agreement.
Membership Expires: Subject to whether the agreement is a Membership Package, will show the date in the future the agreement is set to expire and either end or begin monthly Auto-Renew (Evergreen).
Description: The name of the package purchased with applicable description. defined in the sales package setup in Setup > Sales > Sales Packages > select package > Package Name.
Sales Person: Who is assigned credit for this sale and is defined by the new agreement settings in Setup > Sales > Sales Settings > New Agreements > Writing Agreement Settings > Force Staff Selection for New Agreements (Yes/No).
Invoice: The total value of all pre-populated, non-evergreen invoices that were included in the agreement write up.
Gross Down: The amount of money exchanged when he agreement was finalized.
Cash/Check: The amount of the Gross Down that was paid in cash or check as these payment methods are not subject to CC transaction fees.
New EFT: The singular amount of recurring invoices within the agreement, if applicable. This does not reflect an additional amount of money paid down on the agreement.
Payments Remaining: The remainder of the total invoice value of the agreement, i.e. Invoice minus Gross Down.
Pay Pref: Shows whether a credit card or bank ACH was stored as the payment method on file during the write up process. If this column is blank, no payment preference was selected at the time of the agreement finalization. This column will also be blank if payment for the agreement is transferred to the POS instead of defining payment method on Step 2 of the agreement write up.
# Previous Agreements: Will show if the person purchasing the given agreement has purchased previous agreements within the facility. This information can help determine who in this is either a new member to the facility or perhaps a long-standing member that continues to purchase premium services agreements, etc.
Commission Status: Reflects, initially, the default commission status set within Setup > Sales > Sales Settings > New Agreements > Default Commission Status, and it can be changed if the Review Queue, found in the same area, is enabled. In the Review Queue, clubs may audit their agreements sold and manually determine commissionable status.
Average New EFT: Average EFT month-to-month.
Cancels Tab
Use this report tab to identify members who are scheduled to cancel their agreements (contracts).
Report Definitions
Location Name: The location where the agreement was written. As many individual clubs only have access to their own club, this column is most relevant on the Corporate level where it list the different locations within the organization.
Cancel: The date the agreement was/will be effectively cancelled.
Cancelled By: Shows who cancelled the agreement, i.e. a staff member, if applicable. If the agreement was cancelled by the system, then this field will be blank.
Cancel Reason: Display the selected or system generated reason for an agreement's cancellation. For staff permission, cancellation reasons can be modified through Setup > Sales > Cancellation Reasons.
Age (days): The age of the agreement in days. It uses days as "months" can refer to a period of 28, 30 or 31 days; strictly using days is more accurate and is based on the Agreed Date vs. Cancel Date.
Agreed Date: The date the agreement began (which does not necessarily have to be the date it was signed and paid for).
Agreement #: The ClubReady numeric identified of the specific agreement.
Description: The name of the sales package used for the agreement.
User ID: The ClubReady numeric identifier of the member whose agreement is being cancelled.
Client First: The first name of the customer.
Client Last: The last name of the customer.
Membership Type: The member's membership type.
Phone: The member's phone contact on file.
Cell Phone: The member's mobile phone contact on file.
Email: The member's email contact on file.
Last Due Date: The due date of the last invoice in the agreement.
$ Monthly Draft: Amount due monthly.
$ Total Agreement: The value of the entire agreement.
$ Total Paid: Amount paid to date.
$ Total Refunded: How much has been refunded on the agreement.
$ Net: Total dollar amount per customer.
Referred by: Name of the referring contact.
Expiring Tab
Before you continue reading...
- Included evergreen agreements will show on this report. They will show for the date that their initial term expires.
- It is recommended that for practical use, users select the 'Exclude Agreements That Are In Evergreen' option. While these agreements technically do expire every month, they also automatically renew, too. Running this report and including agreements that are in Evergreen may be appropriate in some cases, but for marketing purposes intended to target members who are truly not renewing and will expire, ClubReady recommends excluding those agreements in this tab of the Agreements Log report.
Report Definitions
Location Name: The location where the agreement was written. As many individual clubs only have access to their own club, this column is most relevant on the corporate level where it will list the different locations within the organization.
Expiring: Will show the date the agreement will expire and become inactive.
Age (days): The age of the agreement in days. It uses days as months can refer to a period of 28, 30 or 31 days; strictly using days is more accurate and is based on the Agreed Date vs. the Cancel date.
Agreed Date: The date the agreement began (which does not necessarily have to be the date it was signed and paid for).
Agreement #: The ClubReady numeric identifier of the specific agreement.
Description: The name of the sales package used for the agreement.
Paid In Full: Will say Yes or No if all of the agreements invoices generated at the time of write-up were also paid at the time of write-up this does not necessarily have to be a PIF agreement (i.e. a member purchasing a 3-month agreement and deciding to pay all 3 months plus any applicable fees in advance would count as paid-in-full in this column).
Evergreen: Will say Yes or No if the agreement is in auto-renewal, or Evergreen, status and has passed the original term length of the agreement.
Evergreen Invoice Date: The date of the first Evergreen invoice associated with this agreement (not necessarily the first Evergreen invoice for the member as members may have several agreements).
Sales Person: Who in the facility sold the agreement.
User ID: The ClubReady numeric identifier of the member whose agreement is expiring.
Client First: The first name of the customer.
Client Last: The last name of the customer.
Membership Type: The associated Membership Type with the expiring agreement, which can be found in the sales package setup itself in Setup > Sales > Sales Packages > (select sales package) > Membership Type, and Membership Types can be found in Setup > Members > Membership Types.
Member Expires: The date that the agreement expires. When considering this column, please also consider that if there is also an associated Evergreen date in the same row (which will ordinarily show as the same date), then this agreement will NOT expire and move into inactive status; it is rolling into its auto-renew cycle.
Phone: The member's phone contact on file.
Cell Phone: The member's mobile phone contact on file.
Email: The member's email contact on file.
$ Total Agreement: The total revenue generated by the agreement through the end date for which the report was ran.
$ Paid Upfront: The amount of money paid down on the agreement at the time of write-up this amount will include any fees included in down payments.
$ EFT Paid To Date: The amount of money paid on the agreement via EFT draft (including amounts that were scheduled to be drafted but paid manually at the POS or drafted in a sweep).
$ EFT Remaining: The current value of the remaining, already populated invoices associated with the expiring agreement.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Reports: Can access reports (must be enabled to see any reports)
- Reports: Can access sales: agreements log