This article will guide you through the recommended steps when your Honeywell Genesis Scanner has been plugged in but it is not recognizing the barcode and nothing is showing up on the ClubReady screen.
The ClubReady Desktop App requires a barcode scanner that is programmed to emulate a RS232 serial connection with a COM port number.
1) Check if scanner shows up in Control Panel with a COM port
2) Open Devices and Printers in Control Panel - Press Windows Key+R to open the Run dialog, enter control printers in the empty box and click OK.
3) The scanner should appear in Unspecified with a COM port number. In this example (COM3).
4) Open and sign into the app to confirm the Activation Key and make sure the barcode scanner is selected.
5) Opening the app is a two-step process. First left click on the icon in the lower right corner near the clock and then click Open.
6) Next click on the icon that will appear to the left on the taskbar. This will open the ClubReady Desktop Control Panel.
7) On the ClubReady Desktop Control Panel DESKTOP LOGIN screen enter in a local staff account Username and Password and click Login. NOTE – this does not have to be an account with ClubReady admin rights. There is no sensitive information in this app.
8) After login the application defaults to the Printing Tab. Click on the Check-In tab. The Status section diagnoses the application. Green checkmarks are successful connections, red exclamation is an unsuccessful connection. Based on this image the application successfully connects to the internet and communicates with ClubReady Services but cannot see the scanner. This is expected since the scanner is not yet selected. NOTE - the printing tab in this app is non-functional. Click the Settings link to proceed.
9) Verify the Activation Key appears in the top field on this screen.
10) Select the correct device from the Com Port drop-down menu.
11) After the above steps are complete Click Save and Close.
12) Scan a barcode to test system.