This article will guide you through generating the Class Credit Usage report. This report shows a record of classes with bookings, show rates, credit usage, as well as the net revenue per class.
Please Note:
- The retrieval of reports is limited to a 10-year timeframe from the current date, and the download process may vary in duration depending on the selected time frame.
- Reports are not customizable.
- This report reflects outcomes in real-time.
1. Accessing Your Report
Navigate to Reports > Credits/Bookings > Class Credit Usage.
Choose the date range > Choose to include or exclude consults > All Credit Types (or select a specific session type) > Run Report.
2. Understanding Your Report
The online report will contain the following columns:
Class Count - Number of classes offered within the date range.
Capacity - Number of available openings within a class.
Registered - Number of registered users
% Capacity - Percentage of
Cancelled - How many registered users canceled the class
No Show - Number of registered users that did not show up to the class
Not Yet Logged - The number of users that have not been logged or rendered for the class
Complete - Number of users that have completed the class
% Show - Percentage show rate
Revenue - Net revenue for the class biased on class credit value.
Comped - Number of credits that had a $0 value and were used upon registration of the class.
Paid - Quantity of paid credits used upon registration of the class.
Click on the + or - to expand or compress the date of the class, time and scheduled trainer, as well as who was registered for the class and their session status.
To export the data, select the floppy disk and choose your method of export: CSV (comma delimited), PDF, or Excel.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Reporting - Can access reports
- Reporting - Can access Credits/Bookings: Class Credit Usage