This article will provide you with some helpful tips when selling various sales package types in ClubReady.
To learn more about the different Sales Package Types, click here.
1. Membership Packages
When: A Membership Package is sold, generally, to prospects looking to join the facility - or to former members looking to join again. The package sold is the terms and conditions of the services to be provided by the facility for the price (amount and frequency) paid by the member.
Why: Membership Packages will provide the member with access to the facility as well as their effective access date and expiration date. These dates are based on the agreement. A member will remain active until they reach their expiration date - however, be aware that most Membership Packages (depending on your facility) will automatically renew within the package setup on a monthly basis after the initial term with our "Evergreen" function.
To Whom: These are to be sold to the responsible, or primary, member who will be accessing the location and making payments.
2. Membership Add - On Packages
When: An Add-On is a supplement to a regular membership that generally includes an amenity and is not recommended to be sold as a stand-alone sales package without also being attached to a responsible member. For example, someone may sign up and then want to add their spouse - as many facilities offer family discounts. This would be a situation to have a household add-on package. The spouse would then have a prospect profile created, assigned as an associated member under the responsible member, and the Add-On could either be added to the responsible member's profile or to the associated member profile for separate billing.
Why: Add-On Packages can be used for a variety of reasons and are generally ways for facilities to charge premiums for additional services based on amenities, i.e. childcare, tanning, towel service, 24hr access, multi-club access, household add-ons, etc - realistically any additional revenue generating supplement to the standard Membership Packages that your facility offers.
To Whom: Add-Ons can be sold to responsible or associated members, depending on the best practices of your individual facility and which member is utilizing the additional service. Apart from that, this supplement to the membership packages can be molded to fit most any amenity-based need within a facility, depending on the individual facility set-up. Please note, it is not necessarily recommended to use an Add-On to drop service or class credits.
3. Service Packages
When: Service Packages are separate from Membership Packages - Service Packages do not provide access to the facility on their own. Rather, these packages drop credits for either classes or one-on-one services, i.e. personal training.
Why: Service Packages will help differentiate revenue lines, similar to Add-Ons, but are meant for a specific activity or level of access. For example, there may be a facility that provides some complimentary classes with membership, but also wants to have premium, paid classes or bootcamp classes that require session credits. In this case, the facility can track their revenue for basic memberships and premium class packages. Also, while many facilities will offer a complimentary fitness assessment with a new membership, the actual personal training packages would need to be separately set up for sale as a Service Package.
To Whom: Service Packages are meant to be sold to the member or prospect that will be redeeming the service(s).