This article will guide you through generating the Draft Commission Report. This report will calculate commissions off of agreements, services/classes and product sales.
Please Note:
- The retrieval of reports is limited to a 10-year timeframe from the current date, and the download process may vary in duration depending on the selected time frame.
- Reports are not customizable.
- This report reflects outcomes in real-time.
1. Accessing Your Report
Navigate to Reports > Staff > Draft Commission.
Select a date range either from the calendar or use one of the Preset Date Ranges. Apply the filters if desired:
- Show All Agreements, Only Membership Agreements, Only Add-On Agreements, Only Services Agreements
- Include Deleted Employees - Can be selected to include any deleted employees in the report
- Include Classes with no Bookings - This will exclude classes that had no attendees
- Include Sessions Not Yet Logged - Choose to include the sessions that have not yet been logged as completed to determine their status as show or no show
- Include Consults - Controls whether services/classes flagged as consults will show on the report
- Include Cust Lost Sessions - This will include any sessions where a customer did not show up
- Employees - Choose to select to run it for all employees, or only for certain ones. You can select a specific group of employees using the mouse or the Ctrl key.
- Choose if you want to view as an Excel Export Only and/or receive Email Report?
Click on Run Report.
2. Understanding Your Report
The excel export will show the following information:
Document map - This tab will display a list of all of your employees. You are able to select a specific employee to take you to their commission details.
Location - This will display the club's name
Employee - This will display the employee's name
Address - Employee's address
Phone - Employee's phone number
Email - Employee's email address
Title - Employee's staff type
Pay Period - This will display the date range selected
Pay Date - This date will be based on today's date
Report Date - This will display the date the report was generated
Commission on New Agreements - The amount based off of invoiced sales
Commission on Agreement EFT - The amount based off of re-occurring monthly invoices. Please note: if there are EFT invoices tied to a user that are not commissionable, they will not show on the report.
Pay for Services - The amount based off of services provided
Pay for Classes - The amount based off of classes provided
Commission on Products - The amount based off of product sales
Total - The employee's total commission amount.
3. Viewing Agreement Details
In the agreements section, you can select the plus sign (+) next to Agreement ID to view additional details regarding the agreement such as Agreement Date, Package Name and Periods.
Details once the plus sign (+) has been selected:
You can select the hyperlink for the Agreement ID number to navigate to the details page for that agreement.
4. Viewing 'Pay for Classes' Section
Click the plus sign (+) next to a class to view the list of attendees and their booking status.
Details once the plus sign (+) has been selected:
5. Viewing 'Pay for Services' Section
Click the plus sign (+) next to the Agreement ID to see additional details regarding the agreement that issued the credits for the service.
Details once the plus sign (+) has been selected:
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Reporting - Can access reports (must be enabled to see any reports)
- Reporting - Can access staff : commissions