What is the Heat Map feature in ClubReady?
The map will display members who have been previously sold an agreement. Their location is based on the address saved in their ClubReady profile.
How do I locate the Heat Map?
Navigate to Members > Map.
Best Practices:
We recommend using Excel as a tool for this functionality. It allows you to manually create a nice heat map, with more configurability. It’s not just as simply as “Add a heat map”, but the steps below will show you how to get a great result!
Note: This works best when there are not a large number of members. Under 1000 is best.
1. Pull an Excel export of the ACTIVE members, from the Members tab in ClubReady.
2. Highlight the entire sheet.
3. Clear out the formatting and word wrap options.
4. DELETE every column in the sheet leaving you with only the columns below. Then, highlight the top 5 rows, and delete those.
5. You should now have just the rows of actual addresses. Next, HIGHLIGHT (Select) all the actual data (do not select rows or columns). Just click on A1 hold down the Shift key and select the last cell in the sheet, in this case, it was D388”. Again, don’t select entire rows or columns!
Take a quick look through the data. Lines which have no address…. DELETE that row. It won’t be helpful in our heat map. Make sure all the rows (City and State) are in the same general area to the club location. If you see rows with data in other states or are many miles away… just delete those rows as well… they won’t be useful in the result.
6. Next, click Insert, 3D Map, Open 3D Maps:
7. If Excel shows this pop-up, click Enable:
You should now be presented with this screen. You can already see the base data from the sheet is added to the map, as circled below, in California!
8. ZOOM IN… you will see that we have some data points!
9. Now, we need to get down to the actual addresses! Click the Adds Field option in your Data section shown on the right.
10. Now, click on the actual ADDRESS:
11. The address field is added to the locations… click the drop-down next to the address, and select the STREET option.
12. Click the option for the address you just created.
The Map will Zoom back out… Zoom back in again… look at the all the data points we have now! This now reflects the actual addresses for each member:
Now, we want to change it into a “HEAT MAP”!
13. Go back to your side panel and click the little heat map icon:
14. Now, click the Layer Options arrow.
Depending on the amount of data, and the area which members exist, you should now zoom in or out to get a better view, and, at the same time, move the three sliders on the right to achieve the desired result:
Lastly, let’s put all the map labels in… Cities, streets, etc.!
15. Click this button.
You will now see all the city names, street names, highways, etc. Use the sliders on the right again to make any final adjustments to the Opacity, the Color Scale, and the Radius. Zoom in or out to get exactly the result you want.
Now, just take a screenshot of what you want to send to your client. That’s it!! Here’s two views of the same map: