ClubReady offers multiple alternatives to allow studios to manage and track their staff's payroll.
Review this breakdown with the provided articles to understand each option and which one could work best for you.
All-in-One Reports
The following options are recommended for studios who offer multiple commission and payroll types.
1. If you pay your staff agreement commission, per session, hourly, and/or product commission = Commission and Payroll. This report combines all ClubReady payroll reports into one report.
2. If you pay your staff by commission (new agreements/continuing EFT), hourly and/or sessions provided = Draft Commission. Below you will find an article guiding you on how to setup your commission tiers and an article on how to use the Draft Commission report.
Individual Reports
The following options are recommended if you pay your staff a specific way.
1. If you pay your staff by commission (agreements sold) = Commissions report. Below you will find an article guiding you on how to setup your commission tiers and an article on how to use the Commissions report.
2. If you pay your staff by the hour (clock in/clock out) = Time Clock Payroll. Below you will find an article guiding you on how to setup your staff's hourly pay rates and an article on how to use the Time Clock Payroll report.
3. If you pay your staff by services/classes provided = Session Payroll. Below you will find an article guiding you on how to setup service/class pay rates for your staff and an article on how to use the Session Payroll report.
4. If you pay commission off of transactions ran through POS = Staff Gross Sales report. Below you will find an article on how to use the Staff Gross Sales report.
Helpful Tips:
- The Commission and Payroll report will be best to use for seeing the product/merchandise commissionable sales for employees in a specific time period.
- The Staff Gross Sales report is useful for seeing all product/merchandise sales for employees in a specific time period.