This article will guide you through disabling an existing class or service.
Please Note:
- ClubReady does not have the ability for studios to delete classes if the class type has has been added to the schedule and has been booked. Reason being, historical data that cannot be deleted is associated with the class therefore it cannot be removed. If you have an unused, unwanted class type you can use How-to: Delete Class Types to remove it.
- Best Practice: It is suggest that you disable the unwanted class schedule in place of deleting the class type. This way you can preserve any historical data/information you may later need.
1. Editing a Service or Class: Navigate to Setup > Scheduling > Services or Classes/Group. Click on the edit pencil next to the service or class name.
2. Disable a Service or Class: Clicking the edit pencil will take you into the settings tab of the service or class. Scroll down to the Disabled? field and click yes. This will disable the class or service for future bookings. It will not disable existing bookings. To save your change scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the Update Settings button.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Club Setup: Can access setup
- Club Setup: Can access services setup
- Club Setup: Can access classes / group setup