This article will guide you through understanding a potential reason why you may be experiencing a wait list issue with your class bookings.
1. Verify your Class Booking Policies
Navigate to Setup > Scheduling > Classes/Group.
Confirm the class has a booking policy set in the Booking Settings tab. The booking policy will override the settings defined for Lead Time Required for Wait List Bookings.
2. Verify Booking Policy Settings
Navigate to Setup > Scheduling > Booking Policies. Click the edit pencil next to the policy assigned to your class.
Review How Much Lead Time Is Required To Make A New Booking? setup.
3. Verify your Wait List Setup
Navigate to Setup > Scheduling > Classes/Group.
Scroll down to the Existing Classes section and click the edit pencil icon next to the class > Booking Settings > Allow Customer Wait List For This Class > Lead Time Required For Wait List Bookings (desired amount of lead time in hours that a client can be added to the wait list).
Pro Tip: Verify your wait list setup to confirm it is correct, specifically you want to review the Lead Time Required For Wait List Bookings to ensure the client is within the time frame you have defined.
4. Max Attendees
Navigate to Bookings > select the class to review Max Attendees versus current Bookings.
Pro Tip: Confirm the class they are attempting to book actually has an open spot available. While a different user might not have shown up, does the system show them as cancelled or rescheduled?