This article will guide you through making classes available for Paid In Full (PIF) Agreements.
In order to sell custom PIF agreements, you will need to enable it as an option. Review Settings for Custom PIF to learn more.
Once setup, you will want to proceed to create the service and/or class that will be available to be sold for Custom PIF. Follow the steps below.
1. Access Class Settings
Navigate to Setup > Scheduling > Classes.
Click the pencil to edit the class settings to enable it for Custom PIF Purchases.
2. Enable Custom PIF Purchases
Clicking the edit pencil icon will take you into the Class settings, scroll down to the field Available For Custom PIF Purchases?. Select Yes to enable this feature. Enter in your desired minimum and maximum sale price for a Custom PIF purchase. To save your change scroll to the bottom of the page and select Update Class Settings button.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Club Setup: Can access setup
- Club Setup: Can access classes / group setup