This article will guide you through creating a new class.
Video Tutorial
Guided Steps
1. Add a Class Type: Navigate to Setup > Scheduling > Classes/Groups. Under Add A New Class Type enter your new class and click Add The New Class.
2. Activating a Class: Only active classes can be added to your class calendar. To activate, click the edit pencil next to your class. This will take you into Class Settings.
3. Establish Class Settings
Class Name: Name your class.
Class Duration: Round the length of your class to the nearest 15 minutes.
Class Description: Allows you to add an optional description of the class.
Disabled?: If this is set to Yes, you will not be able to book this class.
Sales Tax Schedule: If this Class is taxable, select your sales tax amount. To learn how to Create A Sales Tax Schedule click here.
Available For Scheduling: Will show as Yes, once all required settings for the class are added.
Color on Class Schedule: Will set the color for display when added to your schedule.
Class Is A Sales Consultation: This indicates the class is a sales consultation and will allow you a means for tracking via the Sales Process Report. Select Class Purpose: this will factor into the Sales Process Dashboard.
Location Type: Select if the class will be Physical or Virtual (this option will allow you to add a virtual meeting link).
Ad-Hoc Class?:This allows you to book this class from the grid view with out having to leave that view.
Display Shows and No-Shows on Grid View?: This will show a tally of how many shows and no shows in the grid view display.
Replace Class Name With First Person Booked in Grid View: The first person booked into a class can display on the grid view display of the class.
Can Have More Than One Instructor?: Will enable the addition of secondary instructors.
Available For Custom PIF Purchases?: If you will be selling this class in Custom Paid In Full agreements you can set the minimum and maximum price per session allowed here.
Clients Can See Instructor?: If you want the instructors name to show on the schedule for customers view, select Yes.
Clients Can See Additional Class Names?: If you will be using secondary titles for this class, selecting Yes allows customers to see the secondary title also.
Include in Published Class Schedules: Allows you to included this class in a public view for customers.
Standard Cost: Is the standard rate that you pay an instructor for this class.
Payroll Code: If one is entered, it will show in the detailed version of the Session Payroll and Time Clock Reports. This can be used for studios own accounting purposes.
Instructors Payroll Method: You can either pay your instructors a flat rate per class or standard cost per attendee.
Standard Price: Is the standard price that you charge for a single class session.
4. Establish Bookings Settings
Attendees Must Book A Place In Class: Set to No for open attendance.
Max Attendees Per Class: Specify how many people may attend the class.
Allow Customer Wait List For Class?: Allows a wait list if the class is full. You will also set a lead required time for wait list bookings.
Booking Policy: Defines the required lead times for bookings, cancellation and reschedules. To learn about Creating A Booking Policies For Services And Classes click here.
Customers Can Book Online: Allows customers to book through their customer login are.
Automatically Log Bookings: You may use the default settings or custom setting for this specific class.
Allow Bookings Quick Log: Staff with permission will be able to quickly mark shows and no shows for this class from the schedule if activated.
Class Credits Required: If selected will require the customer to have pre-paid session credits in order to book into the class.
Certain Membership Types Don't Need Class Credits?: You may allow specific membership type to book freely without session credits.
Members With Certain Amenities Don't Need Class Credits?: You may allow customers with certain amenities to book freely without session credits.
5. Assign the Instructors: This tab allows you to assign which instructors can teach the class and set your instructors pay rate. Your options are standard cost (which was set under Class Settings), unique cost, or % of session price.
6. Set Booking Flags: Booking Flags allow you to set a reminder to a specific booking count. the count can either be from the start of the customer's bookings or by remaining bookings. A reminder flag can be made visible on the schedule to the staff and also the customer. You can also create an email that will be sent to the customer after this booking is logged as completed.
Now your class is ready to be added to your schedule.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Club Setup: Can access setup
- Club Setup: Can access classes / group setup