This article will guide you through understanding how Late Cancel Fee invoices work in ClubReady.
1. Why is there a Late Cancel Fee Invoice on the member's account?
Late Cancel Fees are automatically added by the system based on your Automation Rules. An Automation Rule can be created to trigger for client's who cancelled a booking outside of your policies.
How to create a Late Cancel Fee Invoice Automation Rule
2. Viewing Late Cancel Fee Invoices on the member's account
Navigate to the member's profile > BILLING.
The Invoice IDs are on the left and the Booking IDs are on the right.
You can also locate additional booking details when navigating to the member's profile > BOOKINGS. The Lost tab will display the booking type to the left with the Invoice ID. The left side will display the Reason for Loss and Booking ID.
NOTE: A member may accrue multiple fees if the booking status is changed multiple times.