This article will provide you with the steps to edit a return or late fee invoice.
1. Access Fees
The first step is to locate your customer by going to Customer/Member > Manage Past Due Customers/Members. Lookup your customer from this tab and select their name. Locate the invoice you need to waive and click on the edit pencil next to it. Return payment fees can only be canceled by ClubReady staff per the request of the club's Owner or Club Master Admin.
2. Edit Fees
Select the option Cancel The Invoice. This will cancel this invoice only and does not affect any future invoices. Enter in any notes relating to why the fee was waived and click on Cancel This Invoice.
The canceled invoice can always be reinstated and made due again if needed, by clicking on the REINSTATE icon.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who can waive Return Fees or Late Fees?
- Full-Service Club - Owners can send in a ticket or jump on chat and request the agent to cancel the return fees.
- DIY Clubs - Generally handle their own return fee's. However, can sometimes request support to assist.
- Late fees are almost always canceled by clubs. However, the club can request support to sometimes assist, if having troubles with canceling.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Customer Management : Payments Related - Can view client billing information
- Customer Management : Payments Related - Can edit unpaid client invoices