This article will guide you through using barcode for membership check-in through the desktop application.
The desktop app does not need to be open for clients to be checked in. Have the client scan their barcode to check-in.
A notification message will appear letting you know if it recognized the barcode. If barcode matches a client you will get a notification with the clients name and whether it is successful or if there is an issue with the account
Detailed Check In Client Information
While the notification is a great summary you will probably want to see detailed information for all members that have checked in today. To access this you will need to log into your site and click on Main > Check-In Monitor.
This screen will allow you to manually check in a client and also have a count of how many have checked in. The right column will have all clients listed with their status and payment info. At the bottom of each client record are shortcut buttons to help you quickly access the Point Of Sale (POS), make a booking, add a todo, add a note, change their email address, change their credit card on file and see any recent activity on their account.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.