The ClubReady Desktop is a companion app that you can install on your Windows PC to get new and enhanced functionality.
ClubReady Desktop Features include:
1. Client Check In - Scan client barcodes to check-in.
2. Employee Time Clock - Scan employee barcodes to clock in and out.
Detailed information on these topics can be found here.
1. Client Check In Features:
- Detects client barcode activity without having to make it the active application in Windows. You can work on other tasks and applications while clients swipe their bar code for check-in.
- Client check-ins will immediately update the ClubReady servers over your active internet connection so staff can see the client check in status under Main > Check In Monitor.
- Plays distinct, customizable sound for Good, Problem and Unknown bar code swipes.
- Client check in history is also logged so you can access this information under their profile and under the Reports > Customers / Members > Attendance.
2. Employee Time Clock Features
- Detects bar code activity without you having to make it the active application. Staff time clock will pop-up a screen on the computer required for staff to confirm their clock-in or clock-out.
- Time clock hours are logged so you can access this information under staff members profile and under the Reports > Staff > Time Clock Payroll.