This article will guide you through adding, removing and editing time clock entries.
Access Time Clock Entries
Entering Time Clock Entries
Adding A Clock Out
Delete Time Clock Record
Access Time Clock Entries
Navigate to the Staff tab. After searching and selecting the employee; click on the Go To Options > View Time Clock IN / OUT Log. Once you are on the Employee Time Clock Log you will need to select the desired date range to see if there are any existing clock-in/out records. Click the Generate Time Clock Log Report button.
Entering Time Clock Entries
After you Generate Time Clock Log Report, any available records will appear at the bottom of the screen. A group consists of one clock-in and one clock-out. This is done to help you visibly group records together. Use the manual entry field if you need to add a new clock-in time.
To add a new clock-in time record: Select the date and time (in hours and minutes). Type a note on the time clock entry (optional). Click the Add Clock IN button. The new time clock record will appear in the time clock list.
Adding A Clock Out
If you need to add a clock-out time; skip down to the group displaying only the clock-in and click the Add Clock OUT Button. To add a new clock-out record: Click on the Add Clock OUT button. A dialog box will appear. The clock-in date and time associated to the clock-out is displayed here. You can change the date of the clock out (overnight work). Select the correct clock-out hour/minutes. Type a note (optional). Click the Add Clock OUT button.
Delete Time Clock Record
This step will guide you through deleting a time clock record. You will locate your record under the appropriate group. Click the red X to the right of the record.
NOTE: Since the record cannot be recovered, you will get a final prompt asking you to confirm you want this deleted.
Error Message
If attempting to make adjustments and an error message pops up, this could indicate there is an overlapping Clock In. Please review the staff's report to confirm there are no existing Clock Ins.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Staff Management: Can access staff menu tab
- Staff Management: Can access staff member options
- Staff Management: Can edit staff time clock entries