This article will guide you through setting up club access times.
1. Create Club Access Times
Navigate to Setup > Scheduling > Club Access Times.
To set the times that the club can be accessed for this group, Click the view it option next to the group name. From the week calendar, click a starting time and drag to highlight accessible times in yellow.
2. Applying Club Access Times To Membership Types
You can tie your Club Access Time to a Membership type under Setup > Members > Membership Types. You can create a new Membership Type at the top of this page or add an access time to an existing Membership Type by selecting the edit pencil next to the correct type.
Denied Access At Check In
If the member attempts to check-in during non-access times, they will get a "bad" check-in. The details will state "Membership Type Not Allowed Access At This Time".
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Club Setup: Can access setup
- Club Setup: Can access club access times setup