This article will guide you through setting Default Custom Logs for your customers to view on their ClubReady Wellness Portal. Your clients can track almost anything they want by creating custom journal logs.
1. Access Settings
Navigate to Setup > Wellness > Default Custom Logs.
You can create a standard custom journal log that is setup automatically whenever a new user is added to the system. You might have a specific performance criteria you want to track with every customer. Type the Name Of The Standard Log, How Is It Measured?, if you want to Add to all existing users journals and click Add The New Standard Log to save.
2. View for the Customer
The customer can access the custom log under Journal > My Journal > My Custom Log. they can enter the required date and select Log It to save the information.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Club Setup: Can access setup
- Club Setup: Can access default custom logs setup