This article will describe how to setup a Health History Form. You can create and design one health history form that is available for staff to complete under a customers wellness options, or the customer can complete this form on their own via the wellness portal. A history of updates to this form will be stored in the members wellness options. If you would prefer to create a sign-able form, more like a Par-q, that then saves as a pdf, we recommend using the Custom Forms feature.
1. Setting Up Health History Form
Navigate to Setup > Wellness > Health History Form.
You will add your questions to the form one at a time. Each question can require a different type of response. Response options include: Yes/No, Single Line Text Entry, Text Area Entry, or No Response (to use question as header text only). After creating the question and selecting the response type, select Add The New Question.
While you will add the questions to your form one at a time, you can re-arrange the order at any time, by clicking on the question from the list and dragging it to a new order position.
2. Editing Health History Form
To change the text in a question, select the edit pencil next to the question. You can associate an article to this question for reference by clicking on the article icon. Entering the article ID number in the box that appears. Lastly, should you need to remove a question, click on the red X in the far right of the question.
3. Accessing Health History Form
Staff can access the Health History Form by going to Members/Custs or Prospects. Locate and select the customer. Click on All Detail > Wellness tab which should take you to the Wellness page so you may choose Health History.
Members can access the Health History form when logged in by going to My Goals > My Healthy History sub-tab.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. How can I tell if changes were made to client's health history?
You can view the health history change log! To do this go to Clients Profile > Wellness > Health History > Change Log. The change log will show the log date and who updated the health history.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Club Setup: Can access setup
- Club Setup: Can access health history form setup