This article will guide you on how to keep track of your ClubReady Invoices that are due and also past invoices that have been paid. You will also learn how to Add Credit for SMS texts and Postal Mail and where to update your club payment preferences. Club Payment preferences is where you will store the credit card on file for ClubReady invoices. Payment related emails will be sent to you through the email that is defined under the payment preferences tab.
Accessing Your ClubReady Invoices
Navigate to Setup > ClubReady Invoices.
1. Unpaid
Any unpaid ClubReady Invoices will display here. From this screen you can view the ClubReady Invoice number, when the invoice was due and the due amount. Invoices can be viewed as an Adobe pdf document which can be saved or printed for your records.
2. Paid
All paid ClubReady Invoices will display here. From this screen you can view the ClubReady Invoice number, Paid Date and Total Paid. Invoices can be viewed as an Adobe pdf document which can be saved or printed for your records. All historical invoices will remain available for download.
3. SMS Credits
The top of the screen will show the current amount of credits available. The next section Communication Price List (In USD$) will provide the cost per type of communication. If you need to purchase communication credits scroll down to the next section Add Additional Credit Balance To Account. Enter in the amount of credit you will be adding in dollars (USD) and select whether you the credit card on file to be charged or deducted from your next remit (Full Service Clubs only). If you have a credit card on file it will be displayed on this screen. The remit option will only show up for clubs that are Full Service. If you do not have a card on file you will be able to enter credit card information on this page. Once the payment method has been addressed click the button Click To Add Credit to complete the purchase.
4. Payment Preferences
Any billing related email from ClubReady go to - All ClubReady billing emails such as transactions and remit emails will be sent here.
Send an email when any invoices are created - Select yes/no if you want to receive emails when emails are created.
Send a payment receipt email - Select f you want automatic emails when a payment is completed.
Credit card on file - You can enter a credit card to use to automatically make your payments.
NOTE: If you wish to make your payments with a checking account, please contact ClubReady Support for assistance
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Club Setup - Can access setup