This article will guide you through using the Staff Prospect Assignment tool. This report will display how many prospects your staff have assigned to them and you can bulk reassign prospects.
Step 1 - Accessing the Prospects Assigned Tool
Navigate to Tools > Customers > Prospects Assigned. Select the date range you want to analyze then click on Generate Report Of Prospect Assignments.
The report will display below and contain:
Staff Member Detail - Name and Type. Any staff name can be clicked on to get to their Details/Options page.
Prospects Added - Number of prospects added by this staff member.
Current Prospects - Membership - Current leads (prospects) assigned to this staff member.
Current Prospects - Internal - Current Internal Leads assigned to this staff member.
The first row will show if any prospects are currently unassigned. The percentage of prospects assigned will be shown in the Prospects Added column
Step 2 - Using the Tool
Membership prospects and internal prospects can be assigned to a staff member (if currently unassigned), or reassigned to a different staff member. Click on the edit pencil next to the number of prospects you want to assign or reassign.
From the first drop down menu you can select All Assigned Prospects or select a certain prospect type. Then choose which staff member you want to reassign the prospects to.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Tools: Can access tools
- Tools: Can access customers tools