This article will explain the Draft Stats widget. This widget shows a quick view of the incoming cash flow for their club location.
Drafted this week - the dollar amount successfully drafted this calendar week (either from Sunday or Monday depending on club's configuration; found under Setup > General > General Settings > Your Week Start On).
This number can also be seen in your reports by navigating to Reports > Sales > Draft Reports > Draft History > Week to Date.
Drafted This month - the dollar amount successfully drafted this calendar month.
This number can also be seen in your reports by navigating to Reports > Sales > Draft Reports > Draft History > Month to Date.
Remaining Draft Expected this month - Projects Evergreen revenue for invoices that have already been created. This number will closely resemble the Invoices Coming Due number.
Last Month Total Draft - the dollar amount successfully drafted during the previous month.
This number can also be seen in your reports by navigating to Reports > Sales > Draft Reports > Draft History > Total Previous Month (previous Calendar Month).
Expected Next Month Draft - Projects Evergreen revenue for invoices that have already been created as well as invoices that should be created based on autorenew evergreen. This number will closely resemble the sum of the Invoices Coming Due and Forecasted Invoices Reports for the next month.
View Draft Trends - hyperlinks to Reports > Sales > Draft Trend Reports.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with permissions to add/view this widget to their dashboard.