The ClubReady Desktop check-in tab requires a serial RS232 scanner assigned to a COM port- this article is about how to configure an Orbit MS7120 LS USB scanner to emulate a serial RS232 scanner.
1. Make sure the Orbit MS 7120 LS USB scanner is unplugged from the computer
2. Install the serial emulation drivers
The needed drivers will be installed with the ClubReady Desktop App. How To Install The ClubReady Desktop Application
*NOTE* - if the ClubReady Desktop has already been installed please move to the next step.
3.Scan the USB Serial Emulation barcode
This barcode can be found on page 4 of the Honeywell Quick Start Guide that came with the Orbit LS USB scanner
You can also download and print the PDF of the barcode called USB Serial Emulation Mode
4. Unplug the scanner from computer for 10 seconds
5. Plug scanner back into computer
Your Orbit MS 7120 LS USB should now appear as a COM port in both Device Manager on your Windows computer and in the check-in tab inside The ClubReady Desktop App.
Requirements - USB 2.0 port, admin rights on local Windows computer & access to the SETUP tab in ClubReady - the Honeywell Quick Start Guide that came with the Orbit LS USB scanner or a full size printer to print out the needed programming barcode.