This article will guide you through how to use the Members Overview Widget.This is snapshot of your new member counts. This widget allows you to track your progress charted for this month vs last month and also compared to your club target.
Today: New member count for today where the user is not an associated member.
Yesterday: New member count for yesterday where the user is not an associated member.
Prospect Conversion %: Total number of prospects that have converted to member today.
This Month %: Total number of prospects that have converted to member this month.
Last Month %: Total number of prospects that have converted to member last month.
Total Responsible: Total number of all active members that are not associated members.
Non Resp: Total number of members that are associated to a responsible member.
New Members This Month Graph: This graph will chart your new non-associated members this month (blue line), last month (gray line), vs. your club target (red Line).
New Resp. Members: This will summarize your new responsible members this month vs. last month.
Lost Resp. Members: This will summarize your lost responsible members this month vs. last month.
Net New Members: This is your Net New Members.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with permissions to add/view this widget to their dashboard.