This article will provide you with the suggested steps to create an Automation Rule that will trigger for client's who did not show up for a booking.
1. Access Automation Rules Setup
Navigate to Setup > Automation > Automation Rules > Add New Automation Rule.
2. Recommended Settings
Who will this new rule act on? - Based on your selection in Step 1, this will display related lead types for Membership Leads or Internal Leads. For members or inactive members, there are no additional types to select in this step. Select who you wish to apply a No Show Fee to from here.
IF the following is true - Select from the drop down Their Membership Type Is (you can target a specific group of members).
No trigger events added yet. This rule will run once daily - not fire in real time - Select from the drop down They Do Not Show Up For (you can choose all bookings, service, or class).
Choose what things happen for the membership leads that match above - these options will be the action that takes place. In the example below we added:
- Add an Invoice - provide a fee description and amount.
NOTE: A member may accrue multiple fees if the booking status is changed multiple times.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Setup: can access setup
- Setup: Can access automation rules setup