This article will guide you through generating and understanding the Invoice Change Report. This report is generated from a nightly process that calculates daily stats from the previous day for all clubs.
NOTE: All ClubReady Internal Reports will display on your email inbox as coming from
Store id - This is the ClubReady id # of your club.
Location - This is your club's location name.
Client - This is the first and last name of the member (or customer).
User Id - This is the ClubReady id# of the member (customer)
Membership Status - This will display the current status of the member. In our example, this member is cancelled.
Staff Member - This is the staff member that made the changes to the invoice(s).
Invoice Number - The invoice id # that has been altered.
Description - This is the invoice description.
Change Date - This is the date that the change was made to the listed invoice.
Value - This is the value or invoice amount not including tax.
Change Type - This will display the type of change that occurred to the invoice.
Old Value - This will display the previous date and or amount prior to the change.
New Value - This will display the new (adjusted) date and or amount for the invoice.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Corporate - General: Can access corporate setup
- You must previously set your email to receive this report under Setup > Communications > Internal Reports