This article will guide you through rescheduling a one-on-one service booking.
1. Access the Schedule
Navigate to Bookings.
Click on the specific booking you need to adjust.
2. Reschedule a Service
Option A - From the pop up details window, select Edit next to the Date and time.
Select the new preferred date and time. You can also choose if it will be a Recurring Booking, to Send notification to client by e-mail, Send notification to client by sms and click Update.
Option B - From the pop up details window, select the Re-book button.
Proceed to select the new preferred date and time. You can also choose if it will be a Recurring Booking, to Send notification to client by e-mail, Send notification to client by sms and click Update.
Note: The "Drag and Drop" feature can also be utilized to re-book a service as long as you are only adjusting the time and/or instructor for the session. Simply click on the session in the Day view and drag the session to the desired time and/or instructor column.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Scheduling: Can access scheduling
- Scheduling: Can make bookings in unavailable periods