This article will guide you through understanding the feature available to allow your members to contact the studio when using the ClubReady Wellness Portal.
1. "Contact Us" System Email
Navigate to Setup > Communication > System Emails.
Scroll down the page to locate the Contact Us Emails setting. Toggle to On.
2. Communications General Settings
Navigate to Setup > Communication > Communication Settings.
Type the email address you wish to receive any messages sent by the members on the Contacts From Login Area Are Sent To.
3. Clients using the "Contact Us" feature
Once a client logs into their ClubReady Wellness Portal, they can navigate to the top right corner to select the "avatar/profile" picture > Contact Us.
Once selected, the member can complete the following form:
Your Email Address - if an email is on file, it will automatically populate. They can type a different email if they prefer to receive your answers on a different email address.
Reply To Me By - they can select to receive your response via Email or Phone.
Subject - they can type the subject of their message.
Your Message - members can type the message they wish to send to the studio.
Send Your Message - click to complete the process.
Once submitted, a confirmation message will display for the member.
4. Studio Notification
The studio will receive the message to the email address typed on Step 2.