The values of this report are calculated on a nightly basis in order to improve performance and allow for accurate historical reporting. This implies the following:
Data will not be available for the current day.
Data for the prior day will be available as of 5:00 AM CST
Changes to pay rates and commission rules will only impact the data from the day that the change is made to all days moving forward.
The 'Pay for Time Clock' value is calculated in real-time.
Commission FAQ
Q: How is a commission tier assigned to a sale?
A: The current threshold is used to determine what tier the staff member is currently
Q: How is the threshold calculated?
A: An individual’s current threshold is calculated by summing the total amount
invoiced within the current pay period where the staff member is assigned to the
sale (can be primary or secondary salesperson).
If a sale is split, only half of the invoice amount counts towards the staff
member’s threshold.
Example: If a given salesperson reaches $140 sales in a given month, any sales after that will be commissioned in the same month, or depending on the payroll settings and pay periods (bi-weekly vs every 30 days, etc.)
Q: If a staff member makes a sale at a club other than their home club, how
will that impact their threshold?
A: All thresholds and commission payments are club specific, so a sale at one club will
have no impact on a threshold at another club.
Q: What happens when an invoice puts a staff member into a higher
commission tier?
A: In this scenario, common rounding rules are used. If the majority of the invoice
amount falls within the higher threshold, then the percentages assigned to that
threshold tier are applied and vice versa.
Q: How is the pay period calculated?
A: Pay period is calculated using the Club Standard Reporting Period setting. This can
be found in Setup -> Setup Options -> General -> General Settings. If this setting is
set to one Month, then the pay period is set from the 1st through the end of every month.
If this setting is set to 2 Weeks, then two pay periods are used each month; 1st-15th
and 16th through end of month.
Q: What is the impact of sales split by two people?
A: Only half of the invoice amount counts towards the staff member’s threshold and
they only receive commission based upon half of the sale.
Q: What if an employee type has multiple tiers set up?
A: Commission is calculated on a rolling basis. Therefore, the commission percentage
assigned to the lowest commission tier will be applied for all commissionable items
up to that tier’s upper threshold. The next tier’s percentage will then be applied to
the commissionable items that fall within it’s limits. This functions the same as the way
US taxes work.
Q: What is the date filter based upon?
A: New Agreements, Continuing ETF, and Product sales are all based on the invoice
payment date in local club time, except for $0 down agreements, which are based
upon the agreement date.
Q: If setup fees are setup to be commissionable with a breakdown
commission tier what percent is applied?
A: The setup fee will either be commissioned at the Down percentage if it is paid at the
time of signing, or commissioned at the Draft percentage.
Q: When is commission paid for agreements with multiple installments?
A: Commission is paid based upon the payment date of each installment invoice.
Payroll FAQ
Q: What settings can be changed to impact the payroll amount the report
A: Selecting or deselecting the Data to Include list: Classes With No Bookings, Late
Cancels, Sessions Not Logged, or Consults will change whether or not the staff
member is paid for those items or not, respectively.
Q: What is the date filter based upon?
A: Time Clock – Punch In Time*
Classes & Services – Start of Booking time*
* In the local club time
Related Articles
- For help with running the Commission and Payroll Report, click here
- For Commission and Payroll Troubleshooting, click here