This article will guide you through the steps on how to sell multiple gift cards in ClubReady.
1. Select gift card product
2. Click New Payment Profile to enter or swipe the gift card being sold.
3. Enter gift card number or swipe it. Click Add.
This brings you back to the Manage Payment Profiles page where you can add another gift card or exit back to the POS cart.
NOTE: If you are attempting to swipe a card and it won’t populate the card number in the Card Number field, click on the Reset button to make the Card Number field editable again and enter the number by hand.
4. Click New Payment Profile to add another $50 gift card to the card.
5. Enter or swipe the next gift card. Click Add.
This brings you back to the Manage Payment Profiles page where you can add another gift card or exit back to the POS cart.
6. Click X in top right to close dialog
Brings you back to the cart with the gift card item listed.
7. To add another gift card of another value, click on that gift card product.
8. Click New Payment Profile.
9. Enter or swipe the next gift card. Click Add.
10. Click X in top right to close dialog.
11. The cart now contains two $50 gift cards and one $100 gift card.
NOTE: If you want to add another card of the same value, simply click that card product in the product list. In this example, to add another $100 gift card, click on the $100 gift card product.
12. Click Checkout to complete the sale.
13. Tender payment and click COMPLETE THIS SALE
14. Transaction is complete.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Point Of Sale (POS) - Can access POS terminals