This article will guide you through adding gift cards in ClubReady with a fixed amount and variable amount.
1. Access Product Setup
Navigate to Setup > Products > Products.
Enter a gift card name and click on Create new Gift Card.
2. Add Gift Card Settings
Enter the following information:
- Short Description
- Standard Sales Price – match the value of the gift card being created
- Allow Gift Card Amount Adjustment? – Set to No
Select on Click to Update Product Settings button.
3. Assign Product Category
Add the new gift card product to the Gift Cards category if you have one created.
*See how to create a Gift Card Category below if you need to create one.
4. Gift Card in the POS
Gift Card product is now available in the POS.
Create Gift Card Product Category
Navigate to Setup > Products > Product Categories.
Enter “Gift Cards” in the create new field and click on Create a New Product Category button.
Gift Card Category is now created.
Create a Variable Price Gift Card
Navigate to Setup > Products > Products.
Enter a gift card name and click on Create new Gift Card.
Enter the following information:
- Short Description
- Standard Sales Price – that you want the card value to default to. In this case, we used a $1 default value but it is not required.
- Allow Gift Card Amount Adjustment? – Set to Yes
Select on Click to Update Product Settings button.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Setup: Can access Setup
- Setup: Can access products setup