Several Tasks in ClubReady can be done using 'keyboard wedge with carriage return' pieces of external hardware. The Magtek credit card swipe and Voyager scanner being two of the most prominent.
1. Open Notepad - or any other word processor of you choice
With the cursor blinking swipe or scan whichever device you are testing. If the data from the credit card or barcode appears on-screen exactly how it is displayed on the media in question and the cursor 'returns' to the next line your device will work with ClubReady.
2. Tasks in ClubReady that use 'keyboard wedge with carriage return' hardware:
Swiping credit cards into payment profile
Entering barcodes in both POS product setup and member/staff profile
Scanning products in POS
Scanning barcode cards in the Check-in Kiosk
Requirements - Any Word type program including Notepad. Magtek credit card swipe or Voyager scanner.