This video and article will assist you in setting up a scheduled fee, such as a club enhancement fee for your sales packages at the Corporate level.
1. Access Enhancement Fee Setup
Navigate to Setup > Sales & Metrics > Fees.
If you are creating a new fee, enter the title in the box and click Create New Enhancement Fee.
2. Settings
When setting up your new fee or editing an existing fee, the following options are available:
Enhancement Fee Name - Create a name for your enhancement fee.
Disabled? - Select if the fee is disabled or not.
Fee Amount - Enter the Fee Amount and check the
Apply Sales Tax? - check box if necessary.
Added How Often? - Select how often this fee will be charged to a client. Example: Every 12 months = this fee will auto-renew every 12 months.
Don't Add If Client Has enhancement Fee - Should this fee be added if a client already has a fee?
Fee Can Be Waived - Will staff be allowed to waive the enhancement fee at the time of write up.
First Due Date Can Be Edited - The first due date will display at the time of write up. If you wish to allow staff to edit this, click here.
Fee Amount Can Be Edited - If you will allow staff to edit the amount that is due at the time of write up. This will alter the amount coming due for the enhancement fee going forward.
Minimum Amount $ If Edited - If staff will be allowed to edit this fee, you may set a minimum preventing them from setting the fee too low.
3. Set When The Fee Will Be Due
There are two different options when setting up enhancement fees, each option is detailed below:
Option 1
This Option allows you to break the year up into ranges. You can set a due date for any agreements written with in each range.
Use the drop down to set the monthly ranges and choose when the fee will be due for each period that is set. Example: Agreements written Jan-Apr has a fee due on May 15th. You can have up to 4 different ranges. Click Update Enhancement Fee Type to save your changes.
Option 2
This option allows you to select when the enhancement fee is due based on set period of months from when an agreement is written.
Select how long after the agreement is written that the client will be charged. If you use standard billing dates, choose the billing template used for the fee. Example: Agreement written today has a fee due 1 month from today. Click Update Enhancement Fee Type to save your changes.
4. Applying The Fee To Sales Package
Enhancement fees are tied to sales packages via the Installments tab for each applicable package. To learn more about the setting up of an enhancement fee under the Installments Tab, click here.
5. Fee During The Agreement Write Up
When selling a new agreement the fee options that have been setup will be included in Step 1 Agreement Setup.
6. Fee Invoice
The fee invoice is listed will all other invoices and is outlined with an orange rectangle. Editing an existing enhancement fee invoice follows the same steps as adjusting any other invoice.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Corporate - General: Can access corporate setup