This article will guide you through generating the Member List (or Customer List if you are a studio club) Report. This report will include member/customer information, past due amounts, and revenue per member.
Please Note:
- The retrieval of reports is limited to a 10-year timeframe from the current date, and the download process may vary in duration depending on the selected time frame.
- Reports are not customizable.
- This report reflects outcomes in real-time.
1. Access Your Report: Navigate to Reports > Members > Member List. To access this report in a studio club, go to Reports > Members > Customer List.
2. Member List Tab: Select one of the following options: Prospects, Active Members or Inactive Members. If you would like to Select Custom Text Field, Include Account Balance and have the report sent to your email, click within the Email Report box and enter your email address. Click on Run Report.
NOTE: Selecting the Active or Inactive filters will allow you to view if members are Currently Frozen (or not).
3. Date Range Tab: Additionally, there will be a Date Range tab which will pull members who were considered active members during the entire date range you select. If you would like to have the report sent to your email, click within the Email Report box and enter your email address. Once you have selected your date range, click Run Report.
Once generated, the Web Page report will display with the following information:
Store ID: ID number of the club.
Member First Name: First name of the member.
Member Last Name: Last name of the member.
Member ID: ClubReady member ID number.
Date Added: Date the member was first entered into ClubReady.
Referral Type: Referral type assigned to the member.
Member Since: Date the member purchased their membership agreement.
Membership Expires: Date the membership expires.
Membership Ended: Date the membership ended, if applicable.
Membership Effective End: Date the membership ends.
Duration (Days): How long they have been, or were a member.
Barcode: Member's barcode number.
Pin: Member's Pin Code number.
Membership Type - Type of member.
Gender: Gender of the member.
DOB: Date of birth of the member.
Address: Member's Address.
City, State, Zip: City, State, and zip code of the member.
Phone: Member's home phone number.
Cell Phone: Member's cell phone number.
Work Phone: Member's work phone number.
Email: Member's email address.
Past Due: Amount the member owes in past due invoices.
User Pay Preference: This will display if the member's preferred payment method is Credit Card or ACH.
Revenue Lifetime: Total revenue generated from the member.
Revenue Lifetime Membership: Revenue generated from the member in membership invoices.
Revenue Lifetime Membership AddOn: Revenue generated from the member in Add On Invoices.
Revenue Lifetime Services: Revenue generated from the member in Services invoices.
Revenue Lifetime Products: Revenue generated from the member in Product invoices.
Most Recent Agreement #: Agreement number of the most recent agreement.
- NOTE: This column will display the customers most recently sold agreement, not their most recently active agreement.
Agreed Date: Date of the most recent agreement.
PIF/EFT: If the agreement is paid in full, or EFT (drafted).
Agreement Total: Total invoice value of the agreement.
Paid Up Front: Amount paid up front.
Next Payment Due: Date of the next scheduled payment.
Next Payment Amount: Invoice amount of the next scheduled payment.
Active EFT: How many active EFT agreements this member has.
Active PIF: How many active paid in full agreements this member has.
Converted ID: If the member was entered into the system via conversion, the client's original ID will populate here.
Member Status: Shows the member's current Membership Status.
Key Notes: The notes documented with the customer's profile.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Will custom text fields show on this report?
No, custom texts fields will not show on the report. However, you can use the drop down menu, if custom text fields have been created, to generate the report consisting of only members/prospects who have the selected field.
2. What is the account balance checkbox?
If checked, this will include a column on the report showing positive balances in the member/prospect's account.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Reporting - Can access reports
- Reporting - Can access clients: customer excel export