This article will guide you through the use of the Club Check-Ins widget. The Club Check-Ins widget gives you a summary of how many Check-Ins have occurred on that specific day and who (First and Last name) have checked into the facility.
Full Size - Will take you to the Check In Monitor located under Main > Check In Monitor.
ON / OFF - Allows you to turn the widget On or OFF.
Check-In's Today - The number of individual Check-Ins specific for today.
List of Clients - The details (Time, First/Last Name, and Check In status) of the clients who have checked in.
Clients First and Last Name - Will take you to the client's All Details page.
NOTE: If a user is displaying PROB next to their name it could be due to having past dues, expired membership or does not have the required waiver on file.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with permissions to add/view this widget to their dashboard.