This article will guide you on how to view and manage your club's New Agreements Settings.
Navigate to Setup > Sales > Sales Settings > New Agreements.
1. General Agreement Settings
Attach Agreement PDF To New Agreement Emails - If checked, a pdf copy of the agreement will be attached to the customer's new agreement email.
Agreement Commissionable Status Default - Select if by default your staff will receive commission for agreements sold.
Tie Sales Person on Draft To Who Sold Original Agreement - This setting impacts how scheduled draft payments are tied to sales people.
Club Fax Number(s) Used For Faxing Agreement Documents - This is useful to fax agreements directly into ClubReady if you do not use electronic contracts.
2. Agreement Electronic Signature Settings
Electronic Signature Method For Agreements - Select how you want your customers to sign their new deals.
Electronic Signature Method When On Mobile Device - Select how you want your customers to sign their new deals when using a mobile device (tablet).
Show Electronic Signature Fast Run-Through Option - This will allow to have the customer sign the agreement without viewing the full contract template.
When Agreement Write Up On Mobile - For Signatures Use - This will allow you to select if you want to show the full contract template or the fast run through option when using a mobile device.
3. Writing Agreement Settings
Force Address Validation For New Agreements - If checked, whenever an admin user attempts to make a customer purchase then ClubReady will ask to verify the users address.
Can Post Date Agreements (if staff has permission) - This setting is only applicable if the staff has permission to post date agreements. You can select unlimited number of days or limit the number of days you can post date the agreement.
Can Transfer New Agreement Payments To Point Of Sale - If checked, the POS will show as a payment option when finalizing the agreement.
Enforce A Payment Method For Agreements With Draft - This setting will not make it possible to finalize an agreement if it has draft payments and the down payment is an external method (cash, written check...), a dialog will appear and ask for payment details.
Refer Friends & Family Entry - Select if you want to have the fields to refer friends and family during agreement write-up or after the write-up.
Service Consults Show As Free - Choose if you want any service consults to show as free.
Prorate Dues - This option is available during the New Agreement Process as well as the Online Agreement Process. If turned on, this will run a calculation to present the prorated dues do at time of signing. Only pertains to membership dues.
Force Staff Selection for New Agreements - When set to No it will default the Responsible Staff field to the currently logged in staff and not require a Responsible Staff selection to be made in order to proceed from Step 1 to Step 2 of the New Agreement process. When set to Yes it will not default the Responsible Staff field to the staff logged in and will show Choose staff for sale. A staff member will be required to be selected in order to proceed with the New Agreement process.
4. Custom Paid In Full (PIF) Session Credit Agreement Settings
Enabled As An Agreement Option - This toogle will allow you to have Custom PIF agreements as an option when writing a new agreement.
Custom Paid In Full Setup Fee - You can define here exactly what the setup fee amount is and if it can be edited by the sales person. You can add sales tax to the setup fee by selecting Yes for Apply any sales taxes to setup fee.
Contract Template For Custom PIF Agreements - This is the default contract template to use for Custom PIF services agreements. This drop-down lets you choose what sales contract template is used or you can choose for it to be selected at the time of sale (this is not advised because the sales person may not choose the correct template).
Maximum Amount Of Free Sessions Allowed - This drop-down allows you to select how many free session credits will be given to the customer at the moment of the agreement write up. You may select None - Do not allow or a specific amount (1 free, 2 free...).
Session Expiration - This drop-down allows you to select when the session credits will expire. You may select to Choose During Write-Up or a specific time frame (1 month, 2 month...)
5. Online Signup General Settings
Show Confirmation Popup - A pop up window will appear after the customer finalizes purchasing an online agreement.
Ask for Gender - This will prompt for the system to ask the customer their gender.
Ask for Date of Birth - This will prompt for the system to ask their date of birth.
6. Review Queue Settings
Put All New Agreements Into A Review Queue - If checked, all new deals will go to the Review Queue for an admin to manage and confirm they are written correctly.
Use Commission Reason Defaults - If checked, this will allow you to select in the Review Queue a commission reason (full commission, half commission, no commission...)
Default Commission Reason - Select from the drop-down which commission reason you want as the default.
De-Commission Check Days - Select how many days you want the system to check the decommission rules.
7. Rules For Internal Leads
By Default, New Members Get Set To This Internal Prospect Type - when a new member is added, set if you want a default internal prospect type is assigned for them to become a lead for you.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Club Setup - Can access setup
- Club Setup - Can access sales general settings