This article will explain how to set up a marketing campaign and run the ROI report to track your progress.
1. Create a Referral Type
Navigate to Setup > Leads > Referral Types.
Name of the Type - here you are going to put in the name of your Referral Type
Can be selected when manually adding a new lead - to allow it to be selected from the Heard About Club drop down when adding a new prospect
This is a marketing campaign - check the box in order to create the marketing campaign.
Total Cost For This Campaign - enter the total cost of the campaign
Campaign Start Date - enter the campaign start date.
When adding a new prospect, this marketing campaign will now appear in the Heard About Club drop down menu.
2. Campaign ROI Report
Navigate to Reports > Intelligence > Campaign ROI.
This report will list all of your campaigns, the amount of prospects, conversions, and revenue that was produced.
When you run this report you will see that it has the name of the campaign, the date, and cost of the campaign. It will then show you the number of prospects you acquired using that campaign, the number and percent that actually converted into paying members, the cost per prospect added, and the revenue gained. The last column will give you your return of investment percentage.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Club Setup: Can access setup tab
- Club Setup: Can access referral types setup
- Can access reports (must be enabled to see any reports)
- Can access metrics: campaign ROI