This article will guide you through viewing and updating your profile in the ClubReady Mobile app.
Log into the ClubReady Mobile app using your username and password.
Touch your profile picture in the upper right corner of the Home screen.
The My Profile screen allows you to update your profile and billing information as well as view your purchases and credits.
When you select My Profile Info, the My Info screen will open allowing you to view and adjust your name, contact information, and username.
When you select My Billing Info, you will be able to manage payment profiles on your profile; this includes removing old payment profiles, editing current payment profiles, and adding new ones.
When you select My Purchases, you will be able to view both what you have Paid and what purchases are planned or recurring.
When you select Credits, you will be able to view all your credit types and how many you have of each.
- Member will need to have the ClubReady Mobile app downloaded to their phone and a Username and Password that has been provided by their club