This article will guide you through the process of setting up a Draft Day Template. These will be applied to a sales package(s) forcing invoices to bill only on certain days of the month or to exclude certain days of the month from billing.
1. Create a Draft Day Template: Navigate to Setup > Sales > Billing Day Templates.
For corporate chains - draft day templates can also be created at the corp. level and these then are available for all clubs in the chain. Enter the name of the New Template and select Add The Draft Days Template. Select the edit pencil next to any existing template to edit that template.
2. Setup Draft Dates/Exclusion Dates
Snap Method: You can select how you want the billing dates to Snap. Use the Drop Down box to select from; Snap to Closet Day, Snap to Closest Day Back, Snap to Closet Day Forward, or Snap to Closet Day Forward (Move to Next Month). Then Click Update Settings. When writing an agreement the invoices due date will snap based upon the rules set here.
Each month of the year is shown. Use the check box in the top right to impact if your clicks change that day in every month or just that month. Click on a date to set is as a Snap Day, Exclusion Day, or No Setting.
Snap Days - First click on a date makes that day a snap day. Snap days adjust the draft dates to the nearest defined snap-to date, (green in the template). A draft day template can have as many snap days selected as you want. Typically, a club has 1 or 2 dates they want the draft to occur on, although you might have a template used for membership packages that snap to say 5th and a template for personal training packages that snaps to the 20th.
Exclusion Days - Second click on date makes that day a blocked date. Blocked days, (red in the template), mean that a draft invoice for a package tied to that template - can not occur on that date. When writing up an agreement any attempt to edit dates into those dates will be blocked. In addition, adding new invoices or editing existing new invoices will not allow any due dates in blocked days.
No Setting - Third click on a day reverts it back to no setting. This date will no longer be a snap date and invoices will be allowed to be adjusted to this day.
3. Tying Draft Days Template to Sales Package
To tie a draft day template to a sales package, go to; Setup > Sales > Sales Packages > locate and select the sales package > Settings.
On this page you will see the option: Draft Days Template: Use the drop down box to select the template you created.
Click on the Update Settings at the bottom of the settings page to save your changes. This will take affect on your future agreements written.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Club Setup: Can access setup
- Club Setup: Can access billing day templates setup