This article will guide you on how to lookup a staff member by name, staff type, from other locations, or find a deleted staff member.
1. Name Search
Navigate to Staff > Lookup A Staff Member.
Use the search box to start typing in the name of the staff member. The Staff List will display the results of your search.
2. Browse By Staff Type
Alternately, you can click on a staff type and be shown the staff assigned to that staff type.
3. Other Staff
At the bottom of the staff type list will be staff From Other Locations and Inactive / Deleted Staff.
Click on From Other Locations to view staff that are based at a different location but have multi-login access to this location. This is setup at the corporate level. Inactive / Deleted Staff allows you to view staff that have been deleted. If you have sufficient permissions you can re-instate deleted staff members.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Staff Management: Can access staff menu tab