This article and video will guide you through booking an ad-hoc class in the grid view. This allows you to quickly create a class and book a member at the same time.
NOTE: Any class booked with this method must be set up as an ad-hoc class. This setting can be found under Setup > Scheduling > Classes/Group.
1. Access Grid View
Navigate to Bookings > Grid View.
Choose an instructor and a day/time for the class and click on the time slot.
2. Choose the Class
Any class set up as an ad-hoc class, and that the chosen instructor can teach, will be shown. Click the class name then search for the client name.
3. Make the Booking
An email and text notification will be sent and an optional note can be added. Click on Make The Class Booking.
4. View the Class
This class can now be accessed from the Classes view and from the Grid view. Click on the class block to open up the class details, add an additional class name, change the instructor, add a secondary instructor, cancel the class, make a new class booking, view the current registration list, edit a booking, or mark someone as a show/no-show.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Scheduling - Can access scheduling
- Classes - Can access classes
- Classes - Can schedule classes