This article will point you in the direction of where to locate a frozen agreement's start and end dates.
1. Freeze Start Date
On the frozen member's profile, navigate to the Agreements section. The frozen agreement will be highlighted in blue and note the date on which the freeze was started.
The start date can also be located in the agreement Notes. Bear in mind this note is added automatically when the freeze is implemented. Here you'll find the date the freeze started and how long the agreement will be frozen.
2. Freeze End Date
a. Referring to the screenshot above, the frozen agreement's notes will indicate when the freeze will end. In the example above, the freeze will end on 12/20/2023 which is 3 months after 9/20/2023.
b. Look up the frozen member under Members. The end date of the freeze will be displayed in the upper right corner of their profile window.
Requirements - A 'Master Admin' login or a staff login with the following permissions.
- Member Management : Managing Agreements - Can view member agreements